The written report assignment

This is a handout used for help for writing the Career Interview report.

You will be doing the work of a reporter, sort of, so look at this Checklist for Reporters.

Look at Interviewing for tips on framing questions and listening as the story develops.  Note nonverbals and capture them in your writing.

Write your five-page report as a Feature story.

Lead — Look in the Features handout for examples of kinds of leads, the opening paragraphs of the feature story. After the lead, write the remainder of the report this way.

Use short paragraphs.

Summary Statement — an indirect quote which introduces information.

Direct Quote — exact words that back up the information in the summary statement.


Add biographical information toward the end or weave it throughout in apposition or as description.

The ending should tie back to the Lead.

Lead: John Doe, a 1979 University of Texas graduate, began working at radio station KMOL in Beaumont in 1980, but he moved to the much larger KTRK in Houston in 1990.

And the move has proved beneficial, he said.

“I considered it a move in the right direction,” Doe said, adjusting his blue and red striped tie and leaning forward to make his point. “I never regretted the move.”

Summary Statement — Doe got his first job right out of journalism school, something that is not so common today. Job statistics from the National Broadcasters Association indicate that graduates often have to wait more than a year before finding employment.

Direct Quote — “It helped that I had done an internship my senior year at UT,” Doe said. “I would recommend that anyone looking for a job should have an internship on his or her resume.”

Summary Statement — Most new hires in a radio station begin as production assistants, Doe said, explaining that this is often an unpaid position much like an internship.

Direct Quote — “Get your foot in the door,” Doe recommends. “One day, someone will not come in to work and you will be ready and able to fill in.”

Ending. Tie back to the beginning, or end with a direct quote. The one directly above would be a good one in this example.

Technical requirements/format for the interview report: Five page minimum. No maximum, but write tightly. Typewritten, double-spaced on white 8 1/2 x 11 paper with 1-inch margins. Use a cover sheet with ONLY this information centered on the page.

Include a business card, taped or glued to the cover page of your report.
Staple the report in the upper left. Please do not use a report cover or place the report in a cellophane wrapper.

Spelling and language use will be considered as part of the grading. Click here for grammar and spelling help. Spelling errors will reduce grades by 2 points per error. Take care to proofread your paper thoroughly and have at least one other person read it for errors. You may correct typing errors neatly in pen on the original. Grade criteria include quality, completeness, effective language use and following directions. LATE PAPERS will NOT be accepted.